The auto radiator keeps your car cool by dispersing the heat carried by engine coolant. If it leaks, however, there will be less coolant circulating in your car, which will then make it more prone to overheating.
Fortunately, there are quick fixes you can do to address a leaky radiator. If you have some on hand, use cold weld epoxy to temporarily patch a leak. In a pinch, you can also use black pepper as a leak stopper. Pour a shaker’s worth of it into the radiator and it will be carried to the pinhole, where it will harden like a scab.
Remember, though, that these measures are just temporary fixes—your radiator still needs to be checked by a mechanic to ensure its good condition. If the leak and resulting damage prove to be beyond repair, you can get well-made spare parts from vendors like that also sell auto compressors in Sacramento.